What is the SBIR/STTR Program?

America’s Seed Fund is managed by the Small Business Administration and supported by 11 federal agencies that provide funding for innovations through the SBIR/STTR programs. Since 1982, SBIR funding has moved countless ideas from tiny sparks into transformative technologies.

Difference Between SBIR & STTR

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs are federal initiatives that fund small businesses to advance innovative research and development projects. While both programs aim to bring cutting-edge technologies to market, there is a key distinction between them. SBIR encourages small businesses to conduct research independently or with optional partners, whereas STTR requires a formal collaboration between the small business and a non-profit research institution, such as a university or a national laboratory. This partnership in STTR ensures a stronger emphasis on transferring academic research into practical applications, helping to bridge the gap between lab discoveries and commercial innovation. Both programs play a vital role in fostering technological advancements across diverse industries.

$4.3 Billion Available SBIR/STTR Funding

We empower entrepreneurs to reach their full potential

$4.3 Billion Available

We empower entrepreneurs to reach
their full potential

Eligibility Requirements


Under 500 employees

US Majority

At least 51% owned by US Citzen(s)
or Permanent Resident(s)

Future Technologies

Developing innovative technology

BW & CO - Your best partner

At Baginski Wegner & Company (BW&CO), we understand the critical role America’s Seed Fund plays in helping technology-focused entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses secure funding to bring their innovative ideas to life. Backed by a network of federal agencies and the Small Business Administration (SBA), the SBIR/STTR programs offer a unique opportunity to access early-stage funding and a pathway
to commercialization.

BW&CO is your best partner for navigating the complexities of America’s Seed Fund and maximizing your chances of securing SBIR/STTR funding. With our expertise in grant writing and extensive experience working across industries like clean tech, healthcare, and defense, we provide tailored support to align your project with federal missions and agency goals. Our team is dedicated to guiding you through every step, from identifying opportunities to submitting winning proposals. Let BW&CO help you turn your vision into reality and take your innovations to the next level.